Friday, January 9, 2015

Mortal Danger Review

This book was so much better than I expected. I'm so excited for the other books in the series to come out.
I'm going to write two reviews. A vague, spoiler-free one, and a detailed long one.

Short, spoiler-free review:
I would recommend this book to people who enjoy horror, Greek mythology and urban legends, mixed with unusual romance and high school life.
Now, the real thing.
Full Review
If you have not read Mortal Danger and plan to, stop reading now.
I'm gonna start by saying that I read this book in 4 days, which is the average amount of time it takes me to read a book 350-ish pages long. Most of the reviewers say that they had a hard time reading the novel because they did not find it interesting, but I didn't notice anything like that at all.
 Before I starting reading it, I saw that the book has received a lot of negative reviews online. But I still decided to keep reading. Now that I've read it, I don't actually agree with most of the reviews.
One of the main points people brought up is that the main character, Edith, seems to have forgotten that she wanted revenge on her bullies. That's the only point I agree with. But, I do understand that she had more important things to worry about, like the game and the opposition. Revenge on her bullies didn't really seem to her, or to me for that matter, like the priority. I guess that once she realized what the opposition was willing to do to her enemies to keep her off track, she didn't want it anymore. The opposition did win in that sense. She didn't want for them to be dead, she just wanted them to feel like they made her feel.
 Personally, I think that the shift from revenge on bullies to trying to keep her loved ones safe was pretty smooth, considering all the crap that was being thrown onto Edie. There were so many things going on, I didn't really have time to worry about Revenge. BUT, dont tell anyone, I was actually looking forward to her big attack on Cameron, or should I say Cam. Edie never had a plan for her revenge, since she wasn't meant to be alive after that day on the bridge. She didn't think she'd need it. So, I understood why it was taking her so much time to do.
 Sooooo... Kian, huh? I loved Kian. Not the first time she met him though, because I felt like he was interrupting her mission. I thought that her suicide was the beginning to the story, and he was just an obstacle. But, he was the beginning to the story, and her suicide was an obstacle she almost overcame. If that makes sense. Speaking of obstacles, don't we all want to have a charming guy with green eyes to help us through them, like he did with her mom's death?
 Ah, her mom's death. It was so shocking that I wasn't sad. I was just angry. I was sad because Edie was. Let me clarify that I'm a huge cry baby when it comes to sad books and even movies; the number of the buckets of tears I shed every time I watch I Am Sam is shameful. So, Ann Aguirre didn't really do that good of a job with the death, if her intention was to make the reader incredibly sad. That's probably my only negative point. Even though the fact that I didn't cry is positive, because sad tears are negative... right? Am I making any sense?

On that note, I'm signing out. I am looking forward to the the second book of the Immortal Game series, Public Enemies. But, until then, I have number 0.5 in the series to read, The Girl in the Gray Sweatshirt. I just found out about the prequel to Mortal Danger, and I will look for it next time I'm at the library.
Until next time,


  1. I hadn't heard of this book before reading this but you really make me want to read it!

    1. That's great! I hope you like it if you do decide to read it! xx

  2. Your blog name is so cute, I love it!!
    and I only read the beginning because I haven't read the first or this one.
    But I am going to buy these books

    Meme xx (Hope to see you around and about my blog <3)
